The 2019 ESC guidelines governing the management of dyslipidemia recognizes the causal relationship between circulating low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, total duration of exposure to lipoproteins, and the size of a patient’s total atherosclerotic plaque burden. Given these, there is a need for patients at very high CV risk to reduce blood LDL-C levels early to as low as possible.
In line with the demanding target goals for lipid-lowering, the EAS 2021 practical guidelines call for the use of combination medications at the outset among the very high risk patients with high LDL-C unlikely to reach goals with statin therapy alone.
This module will review the most recent guidelines on lipid lowering therapy aimed at reducing cardiovascular morbidity. In particular, it will focus on the comprehensive discussion of combination therapy for dyslipidemia and how a clinician may maximize the use of these drugs to achieve treatment goals.